“There is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything. Negative people find their walls. So never apologize for your enthusiasm. Never. Ever. Never.”
Monthly Archives: March 2015
“Keep Raleigh boring.”
On the Way to Selma
From staying in his lane to sitting with the President, Rembert Browne writes about his rare opportunity to ask the President one question on a historic flight to Selma:
I felt proud — we were a team in this conference room, and they’d pulled their weight. As he finished answering Maxwell’s question, the president gave her a smile, rotated a bit, and looked directly at me.
It’s a great read and a fascinating peek into the mind of a bright young writer.
Transforming Coffee Maker
OXO just introduced a new coffee maker called The Barista Brain. Here’s the report from Sprudge:
One innovation we’re kind of geeking out about is the brewer’s hot water chamber. CNET reports the component is removable and can be used as a pourable hot water kettle. IT’S A BREWER KETTLE COMBO, Y’ALL!
Gotta get my hands on one of these. In other news, I’m thinking about renaming the #TIDNTKIL section of this site to something more apt like Coffee Stuff1.
- This would actually be funnier if I posted just half the stuff that I want to post for this section. ↩
“If you get, give. If you learn, teach.”
Supreme Thinking
“Sometimes we think of things the government doesn’t”
“I’m a big believer in the New South, and the South that I know is an extremely giving, compassionate and beautiful place.”
Raleigh in the Snow
Matt Robinson (@metroscenes) has been taking pictures in and around Raleigh and posting them on Raleigh Skyline for a few years – I can’t believe I’m only just now linking to him. Anyway, he captured some great shots of downtown from many different vantage points during our recent bouts of winter weather, and the results are incredible. He even added drone photography to his repertoire, specifically for the snow photos.